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Sign-up to Sponsor the Clean Cruise

Supporting the Clean Cruise offers numerous benefits for businesses and organizations. Aligning with such an event enhances a company's brand image as socially and environmentally conscious, appealing to eco-conscious consumers and investors.  

Participating in the Clean Cruise also provides excellent networking opportunities, allowing businesses to connect with like-minded organizations, potential partners, and industry influencers.

Supporting this event demonstrates corporate social responsibility (CSR) and a commitment to reducing carbon footprints. This can enhance employee morale and attract top talent.

There are 4 levels of Sponsorship available, each with its own set of benefits to the sponsoring business/organization.

See descriptions below.

Once your form is submitted, you will be contacted to obtain your logo and other necessary materials based on your level of sponsorship, as well as payment.  There are many options for payment which we will provide when we contact you.

If you are also interested in having a table at the event, please ensure you fill out that section of the form.  As stated below, this is an included benefit for the Power Patron and Electrifying Elite levels.


Please spread the word and join us!

Clean Cruise Sponsor Sign-up

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Electrifying Elite : $3,000+    (ALL of the below +) Name honorably mentioned during Opening Ceremony and listed within video media day of event.  Included Vendor table spot in strategic highly visible area

Power Patron :  $1,000+   (ALL of the below +) Sponsor logo on visible materials day of event (Signage and stage banner).  Included Vendor table spot

Charge Crusader :  $500+   (ALL of the below +)  Sponsor logo across marketing materials online (website, social media, emails)

Spark Sponsor :   $50-499   Name listed on website, select other marketing materials